Archive for the ‘News’ Category

東京・千代田区でもサイレン「避難して」 Jアラート対象外でなぜ

martedì, Ottobre 4th, 2022

4日早朝、北朝鮮から弾道ミサイルの可能性があるものが発射され、政府は北海道や青森県、東京都の島嶼(とうしょ)部を対象に警戒と避難を呼びかけるJアラート(全国瞬時警報システム)を発令した。遠く離れた東京都心の街中でもサイレンの音と… [続きを読む]


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安倍元首相が撃たれ心肺停止 演説中に2発、容疑の41歳男を逮捕

venerdì, Luglio 8th, 2022







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Prince Philip has died aged 99, Buckingham Palace announces

venerdì, Aprile 9th, 2021

Prince Philip, Queen Elizabeth II’s husband, has died aged 99, Buckingham Palace has announced.

A statement issued by the palace just after midday spoke of the Queen’s “deep sorrow” following his death at Windsor Castle on Friday morning.

The Duke of Edinburgh, who was the longest-serving consort in British history, had returned to Windsor on 16 March after a month in hospital.

Boris Johnson said he “inspired the lives of countless young people”.

“It is with deep sorrow that Her Majesty The Queen announces the death of her beloved husband,” the palace said.

“The Royal Family join with people around the world in mourning his loss.”

Speaking at Downing Street, the prime minister said that the duke had “earned the affection of generations here in the United Kingdom, across the Commonwealth, and around the world”.

Meanwhile, Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury, said he “consistently put the interests of others ahead of his own and, in so doing, provided an outstanding example of Christian service”.

The flag at Buckingham Palace was lowered to half-mast and a notice was posted on the gates following the announcement of the duke’s death.

Bunches of daffodils, tulips, roses and lilies were among floral tributes placed by people outside the palace, while crowds began to gather at Windsor Castle.

The BBC’s royal correspondent Nicholas Witchell said it was “a moment of real national sadness” and “a moment of sadness, most particularly of course, for the Queen losing her husband of 73 years – a bigger span of years than most of us can imagine”.

He said Prince Philip had made “a huge contribution to the success of the Queen’s reign”, describing the duke as “utterly loyal in his belief in the importance of the role that the Queen was fulfilling – and in his duty to support her”.

“It was the importance of the solidity of that relationship, of their marriage, that was so crucial to the success of her reign,” he added.

Mourners stand outside Buckingham Palace after it was announced that Britain"s Prince Philip, husband of Queen Elizabeth, has died at the age of 99, in London
image captionMourners gathered outside Buckingham Palace after the announcement
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sabato, Novembre 7th, 2020
Drew Angerer/Getty Images

Joe Biden will become the 46th president of the United States, CNN projects, after a victory in the state where he was born put him over the 270 electoral votes needed to win.

With Pennsylvania’s 20 electoral votes, Biden now has a total of 273 electoral votes.

Before becoming the Democratic presidential nominee, Biden served as vice president under former President Barack Obama. He is also Delaware’s longest-serving senator.

Throughout his campaign, Biden has argued that the “soul of the nation” is at stake, and has promised that he would seek to heal a country fractured by Trump’s presidency.2 min ago

Kamala Harris will be the country’s first female and first Black vice president

Kamala Harris will be the United States’ next vice president, CNN projects.

She will be the first woman to hold the office. She will also be the nation’s first Black and South Asian vice president.

Harris, who has represented California in the Senate since 2017, is the daughter of Jamaican and Indian immigrants, and she grew up attending a Black Baptist church and a Hindu temple.

She was the first Indian-American and second Black woman to serve as a senator.12 min ago

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Biden campaign was anticipating Arizona tightening

venerdì, Novembre 6th, 2020
Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden speaks while flanked by vice presidential nominee, Sen. Kamala Harris, at The Queen theater on November 5 in Wilmington, Delaware.

Biden campaign manager Jen O’Malley Dillon anticipated President Trump gaining a bit of ground in Arizona’s Maricopa County, which led her to issue this gentle warning yesterday: “Folks are going to need to stay patient and stay calm.”

They had expected Trump to close the gap in Arizona’s largest county – but they still believe Biden has more support coming in from the 220,000 uncounted votes in the state. They remain confident he will carry the state.

The Biden campaign remains focused on Pennsylvania today. They were hoping Pennsylvania would be called before the Arizona development, an aide said, but they insist it doesn’t change the trajectory of things.

They’re still confident Biden is on the cusp of being declared president.

12 min ago

Maricopa County, Arizona, may be an “opportunity” for President Trump, CNN’s John King says

From CNN’s Aditi Sangal / On-air analysis by CNN’s John King

Maricopa County, Arizona, may be an “opportunity” for Trump in his path to 270 electoral votes, CNN’s John King said as the President continues to chip away at Joe Biden’s lead in the state.

“It’s the flip of what we’ve seen in Georgia and Pennsylvania,” King noted, referencing Biden’s recent leads in those states.

The latest update from the state’s most populated county, which is also home to Phoenix, show that Biden’s lead in the state is shrinking. The Democratic presidential nominee gained 28,285 votes. Trump gained more — 31,716 votes.

“Six in 10 votes in Arizona are cast in Maricopa County,” King said, adding that with each update from the county in the past 24 hours, “the President is consistently coming out on top.”

Trump won Maricopa County in 2016 and while the suburban shift has been helping Biden across America, King noted that Maricopa County is not a “blowout Democratic county” like Philadelphia is.“This is the opportunity for the President, the possibility. He still has a long way to go. But we have seen it consistently when we get these batches of vote, that the President — not by a ton — but he’s chipping into the lead,” King added.

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Trump and Biden locked in a nail-biter as race for the White House comes down to key states

mercoledì, Novembre 4th, 2020

By Maeve Reston and Stephen Collinson, CNN

(CNN)President Donald Trump attempted to claim victory in the presidential race and called for a halt to legitimate vote counting that is underway around the country in a chilling threat to American democracyIn fact, the election is far from over with millions of votes outstanding in key states like Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan — ballots that were cast before Election Day that have yet to be counted. Yet Trump sought to mislead his loyal supporters by conflating the legitimate counting of ballots with voting as he falsely claimed Democrats were trying to “steal the election.”Former Vice President Joe Biden holds the lead in the Electoral College at this stage in the night, 220-213; 270 electoral votes are needed to become president.Facing the real possibility that he could lose, Trump — as expected — appeared to be seizing the opportunity to confuse his supporters about the democratic process and suggest that there was something nefarious about the fact that many states are still counting votes. The lengthy vote count, which could extend for several days, was widely anticipated because so many Americans cast vote-by-mail ballots to protect themselves from exposure to the coronavirus in the middle of a pandemic.While making the ludicrous suggestion that the counting of legally cast votes should stop as he watched his margins narrow in several key swing states, Trump made a wild threat that his lawyers would take their case to the Supreme Court even though it remains unclear what their legal rationale would be.Even within Trump’s short speech there was a glaring inconsistency in his position as he advocated for votes to continue to be counted in Arizona, a state that he believes is more favorable to him, while expressing anger that one network had called it early. CNN has not projected a winner in Arizona.He celebrated his victories in Florida and Ohio, and claimed to win multiple states that CNN has yet to project. His call for an end to the counting was the kind of dangerous election night speech that political observers long feared Trump would make, in which he falsely claimed, “This is a major fraud on our nation.”Trump and Biden are locked in a momentous election could come down to Arizona, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan.Biden was the first candidate to speak to supporters early Wednesday morning, after a night of results didn’t deliver a quick winner, saying that “we believe we’re on track to win this election.”The former vice president said it was not up to him or Trump to decide the winner of the election and that the votes would be counted.

“Keep the faith guys, we’re going to win this,” Biden said.Trump won a close race in Florida, which was one of the states Biden had hoped to peel away from the President’s 2016 map and has a narrow edge in North Carolina, which remains too close to call. The former vice president is hoping that Arizona, where he has a 8 percentage point lead with 75% of the ballots counted could be his first victory of the night that turns a red state blue. Increasingly it appears that the result of the entire election could hinge on whether Biden can restore the Democratic “blue wall” in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, a scenario that could mean the result may not be known on Tuesday night, and could stretch into the coming days as large numbers of mail-in votes are counted.Biden currently leads the Electoral College at this early stage in the night, but the key battlegrounds that will decide who serves as president for the next four years are still in play.The night unfolded as the most unorthodox election night in modern memory. At times it appeared like one candidate or the other was heading for an early win in important states. But batches of mail-in and early votes meant the count often dramatically shifted one way or the other.Polls are now closed across the continental US on a nerve-jangling night that will set the nation’s course for the next four years and cast judgment on the most tumultuous presidency of the modern age. Results are flowing in from battlegrounds and it’s too early to make a projection in many key states.CNN projects Biden will win Rhode Island, Minnesota, Virginia, California, Oregon, Washington, Illinois, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Colorado, Connecticut, New Jersey, New York, Vermont, Delaware, Washington, DC, Maryland, Massachusetts and one of Nebraska’s five electoral votes. Nebraska awards two electoral votes to its statewide winner and divides three others over its three congressional districts. CNN projects Trump will also win in Montana, Texas, Iowa, Idaho, Ohio, Mississippi, Wyoming, Missouri, Kansas, Utah, Louisiana, Alabama, South Carolina, North Dakota, South Dakota, Arkansas, Indiana, Oklahoma, Kentucky, West Virginia and Tennessee and four of Nebraska’s five electoral votes.

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KENZOの高田賢三さん死去 世界的服飾デザイナー

domenica, Ottobre 4th, 2020






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venerdì, Agosto 28th, 2020















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「俺コロナ」店員にせきした男に有罪判決 名古屋地裁

mercoledì, Agosto 12th, 2020




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黒い雨訴訟、広島市と広島県が控訴 国の要請受け入れ

mercoledì, Agosto 12th, 2020






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