Archive for Gennaio 29th, 2017

La Cina si accende con il Zigong Lantern Festival

domenica, Gennaio 29th, 2017

Lo show delle lanterne dà il via al Capodanno cinese | LaPresse – CorriereTv

Uno show unico nella provincia dello Sichuan dove nella città di Zigong si accende il Capodanno cinese. Il festival delle lanterne più grande del mondo attrae migliaia di visitatori non solo dal Paese asiatico ma da tutto il mondo grazie a spettacolari istallazioni in tutta la città.

Rating 3.00 out of 5

Trump chiude le porte ai rifugiati Giudice blocca il rimpatrio forzato

domenica, Gennaio 29th, 2017


WASHINGTON – È il secondo muro di Trump. Dopo quello al confine con il Messico è scattata la disposizione per tenere lontani dagli Usa potenziali terroristi islamici. Decisione che ha provocato dimostrazioni e azioni legali, compreso l’intervento di un magistrato in favore dei passeggeri intrappolati negli aeroporti dall’ordine esecutivo del presidente. La Casa Bianca ha varato una serie di misure restrittive, con effetto immediato. Eccole. Blocco di 120 giorni per l’accettazione di rifugiati. Stop indefinito all’arrivo di profughi siriani. Sospensione di 90 giorni all’arrivo di cittadini da Iran, Iraq, Sudan, Libia, Siria, Somalia, Yemen. Gli Usa accetteranno quest’anno solo 50 mila profughi, la metà rispetto al 2016. Particolare importante: le sanzioni non riguardano i cristiani, ma solo i musulmani, con test negli aeroporti.

Caos negli aeroporti e avvocati in soccorso delle persone bloccate

Il pacchetto è scattato a livello globale, con viaggiatori stoppati all’imbarco in diverse città, altri al loro arrivo in America. A seguire caos e proteste. Dimostranti si sono radunati, anche in modo spontaneo, negli scali di New York, San Francisco, Chicago. Avvocati sono accorsi per assistere le persone bloccate, alcune rimaste in un limbo. Erano in stato di fermo, in attesa che la polizia decidesse se potevano entrare nel territorio americano. Confusione provocata anche dalle disposizioni non troppo chiare.


Rating 3.00 out of 5

France elections: Socialists choose candidate in final vote

domenica, Gennaio 29th, 2017

A composite image shows the heads of Manuel Valls left and Benoit Hamon right

France’s governing Socialist party is set to choose its candidate for the presidential election in April.

Manuel Valls, a former prime minister, and left-wing Benoit Hamon are both contesting the run-off vote on Sunday.

But sitting President Francois Hollande, who also comes from the Socialist party, is deeply unpopular and likely to affect their chances.

Conservative Francois Fillon, right-wing Marine Le Pen, and centrist Emmanuel Macron lead the polls.

Sunday’s Socialist primary has seen Mr Hamon, 49, suddenly surge in popularity with a range of liberal proposals, including a proposal for a universal monthly income for all citizens.


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Iran to take ‘reciprocal measures’ after Trump’s immigration order

domenica, Gennaio 29th, 2017

By Ralph Ellis and Sara Mazloumsaki, CNN

(CNN)Iran is carefully studying US President Donald Trump’s executive order limiting immigration from seven Muslim-majority countries and will take legal, political and reciprocal measures accordingly, Iran’s Foreign Affairs Ministry announced Saturday.

Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif didn’t specify what those measures would be, but he affirmed in a tweet that anyone with a valid visa would be welcomed.
“Unlike the U.S., our decision is not retroactive. All with valid Iranian visa will be gladly welcomed. #MuslimBan 7/7” he wrote.
Iran is among seven countries whose nationals are barred from entering the United States for 90 days under Trump’s order, signed Friday.
Earlier, CNN and some other media organizations reported that Iran was banning Americans from entering the country. The foreign affairs ministry says it is considering what action to take.
The ban and its impact
  • 134 million banned from US


Rating 3.00 out of 5

Judge halts implementation of Trump’s immigration order

domenica, Gennaio 29th, 2017

By Ariane de Vogue, Eli Watkins and Alanne Orjoux, CNN

(CNN)A federal judge granted an emergency stay Saturday night for citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries who have already arrived in the US and those who are in transit, and who hold valid visas, ruling they cannot be removed from the US — a decision that halts President Donald Trump’s executive order barring citizens from those countries from entering the US for the next 90 days.

“The petitioners have a strong likelihood of success in establishing that the removal of the petitioner and other similarly situated violates their due process and equal protection guaranteed by the United States Constitution,” US District Judge Ann Donnelly wrote in her decision.
“There is imminent danger that, absent the stay of removal, there will be substantial and irreparable injury to refugees, visa-holders, and other individuals from nations subject to the January 27, 2017, Executive Order,” the ruling said.
The United States denied entry to 109 travelers heading to the country at the time the ruling was signed, a Department of Homeland Security official said. The agency would not say how many of the 109 were sent already home and how many were detained..
The ACLU argued Saturday evening in a federal court in New York for a nationwide stay that would block the deportation of all people stranded in US airports under what the group called “President Trump’s new Muslim ban.”


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安倍首相「トランプ時代の幕開け、強烈に…」 電話会談

domenica, Gennaio 29th, 2017



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幻想シラスウナギ漁 四万十川の水面、集魚灯が彩る

domenica, Gennaio 29th, 2017




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フェルナンデスが5連覇達成 フィギュア欧州選手権

domenica, Gennaio 29th, 2017


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サントリー、4年ぶり日本一 ラグビー日本選手権

domenica, Gennaio 29th, 2017

ラグビーの第54回日本選手権決勝は29日、東京・秩父宮ラグビー場で決勝があり、トップリーグ王者のサントリーパナソニックを15―10(前半3―3)で下し、4年ぶり7度目の日本一に輝いた。サントリーは今季のトップリーグを15戦全勝で制覇し、日本選手権の2試合と合わせ今季無敗で、2冠を達成した。 (altro…)

Rating 3.00 out of 5

サントリー、4年ぶり日本一 ラグビー日本選手権

domenica, Gennaio 29th, 2017

ラグビーの第54回日本選手権決勝は29日、東京・秩父宮ラグビー場で決勝があり、トップリーグ王者のサントリーパナソニックを15―10(前半3―3)で下し、4年ぶり7度目の日本一に輝いた。サントリーは今季のトップリーグを15戦全勝で制覇し、日本選手権の2試合と合わせ今季無敗で、2冠を達成した。 (altro…)

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