Archive for Gennaio, 2017

L’ultimo discorso del presidente Obama: “Yes we can, yes we did, yes we can”

mercoledì, Gennaio 11th, 2017

paolo mastrolilli

Barack Obama ha citato Donald Trump una sola volta, nel discorso con cui ieri sera dalla sua Chicago ha dato l’addio alla presidenza, quando ha promesso di favorire una transizione morbida. Tutto il resto dell’intervento, però, è stato la denuncia dei problemi che hanno consentito la vittoria del candidato repubblicano, e ora minacciano la tenuta della stessa democrazia americana.

 Obama ha brevemente ricordato i suoi risultati, dal superamento della crisi economica del 2008 all’uccisione di Osama bin Laden, passando per la riforma sanitaria, la legalizzazione dei matrimoni gay, l’accordo nucleare con l’Iran: “Se otto anni fa vi avessi detto che intendevamo realizzare tutte queste cose, mi avreste invitato ad abbassare le pretese”. Subito dopo, però, ha ammesso che “per quanti progressi abbiamo fatto, ancora non basta. Per ogni due passi avanti, ne facciamo uno indietro”.


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La panchina delle tenerezze

mercoledì, Gennaio 11th, 2017

Massimo Gramellini

Pedalando in bicicletta lungo le rive torinesi del Po, un professore universitario e sua moglie assistono domenica pomeriggio a una scena che li incuriosisce. Un uomo e una donna, muniti di pala e vanga, stanno disseppellendo una panchina di corso Casale, l’ultima prima del ponte Sassi, sommersa dalle sabbie portate dall’ultima piena del fiume. Il professore e la moglie chiedono alla coppia le ragioni del gesto. Si sentono rispondere che quello è un luogo speciale, la panchina delle tenerezze. Una panchina dove da sempre vengono ad appartarsi gli innamorati. Vederla cancellata dal fango era sembrato loro un oltraggio e avevano sentito il bisogno impellente di rimediare.


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Obama speech: Democracy needs you, says outgoing president

mercoledì, Gennaio 11th, 2017

President Barack Obama has called on Americans to defend their democracy in his farewell speech in Chicago.

“By almost every measure, America is a better, stronger place” than it was eight years ago when he took office, he told thousands of supporters.

But he warned “democracy is threatened whenever we take it for granted”.

He implored Americans of all backgrounds to consider things from each other’s point of view, saying “we have to pay attention and listen”.

The country’s first black president, now 55, was first elected in 2008 on a message of hope and change.

His successor, Donald Trump, has vowed to undo some of Mr Obama’s signature policies. He will be sworn into office on 20 January.

Raucous chants of “four more years” from the crowd were brushed aside by the president. “I can’t do that,” he said with a smile. US presidents are limited to two terms by the constitution. (altro…)

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Dylann Roof jury: Death penalty for Charleston church shooter

mercoledì, Gennaio 11th, 2017

Charleston, South Carolina (CNN)Twelve federal jurors said Tuesday that Dylann Roof, the man who killed nine people in a 2015 massacre at a historically black Charleston, South Carolina, church, should be put to death.

The 10 women and two men recommended the death penalty for all 18 counts that carried that as a possible sentence.
Roof will become the first federal hate crime defendant to be sentenced to death, a Justice Department spokesman said.
Judge Richard Gergel will formally sentence Roof on Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. ET. Roof, who represented himself during the penalty phase, told Gergel he wanted to file a motion for new lawyers. Gergel said Roof can argue that on Wednesday but he is not inclined to let that happen.
A group of defense attorneys and others who worked on Roof’s behalf issued a statement, saying the death penalty decision means the case will not be over for a “very long time.”
“We are sorry that, despite our best efforts, the legal proceedings have shed so little light on the reasons for this tragedy,” the statement said. (altro…)
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Intel chiefs presented Trump with claims of Russian efforts to compromise him

mercoledì, Gennaio 11th, 2017

(CNN)Classified documents presented last week to President Obama and President-elect Trump included allegations that Russian operatives claim to have compromising personal and financial information about Mr. Trump, multiple US officials with direct knowledge of the briefings tell CNN.

The allegations were presented in a two-page synopsis that was appended to a report on Russian interference in the 2016 election. The allegations came, in part, from memos compiled by a former British intelligence operative, whose past work US intelligence officials consider credible. The FBI is investigating the credibility and accuracy of these allegations, which are based primarily on information from Russian sources, but has not confirmed many essential details in the memos about Mr. Trump.
Conway reacts to intel claims on Russia

Conway reacts to intel claims on Russia 05:22
The classified briefings last week were presented by four of the senior-most US intelligence chiefs — Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, FBI Director James Comey, CIA Director John Brennan, and NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers.


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「少女像」対立、米が仲介へ ケリー氏、電話会談を検討

mercoledì, Gennaio 11th, 2017


日米韓関係筋によれば、この案は米国が主導している。ケリー米国務長官ら、今月20日のトランプ政権発足で退任する米高官が、離任を理由に日韓の両外相らと個別か3者で電話会談する案が検討されている模様だ。米国は6日にバイデン副大統領が、安倍晋三首相と黄教安(ファンギョアン)韓国首相(大統領権限代行)に個別に電話し、話し合いによる解決を促したばかり。 (altro…)

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新元号、2019年元日から 退位は前年大みそか想定

mercoledì, Gennaio 11th, 2017





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「少女像」対立、米が仲介へ ケリー氏、電話会談を検討

mercoledì, Gennaio 11th, 2017




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mercoledì, Gennaio 11th, 2017





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線路脇に8メートルの穴 東海道線で一部運転見合わせ

mercoledì, Gennaio 11th, 2017


11日午前1時20分ごろ、愛知県岡崎市のJR東海道線岡崎―西岡崎駅間の上り線で、線路脇に長さ約8メートル、幅約7メートル、深さ最大1メートルの穴が見つかった。復旧作業のため、上下線ともに豊橋―刈谷駅間で始発から運転を見合わせ、名鉄への振り替え輸送を行った。午前7時前に豊橋―蒲郡駅間は再開したが、全線復旧は午後3時ごろの見通し。 (altro…)

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