Archive for Marzo 21st, 2017

Oltre un terzo dell’acqua si perde nella rete idrica

martedì, Marzo 21st, 2017
filippo pala

L’acqua è una risorsa sempre più indispensabile, ma l’Italia continua a sprecarne troppa. Lo dicono i dati Istat elaborati dall’Ispra relativi al 2015: esaminando 116 capoluoghi di provincia si ha una perdita media del 35,4% dell’acqua che viene immessa in rete, con molte zone che superano il 60%. Tra queste ci sono le città di Cosenza, dove si arriva al 76,9%, Frosinone col 71,9%, Tempio Pausania col 68,6%, mentre le perdite minori si segnalano a Macerata col 6,6%, Udine con l’8,8% e Mantova al 9,6%.

 Il dato non risparmia le grandi città, ad esempio Torino, dove nel 2015 si è disperso il 24,6% dell’acqua, pari a ben 99,4 litri pro capite al giorno, e Milano, dove si perde il 12,2% che equivale a 55,2 litri quotidiani per persona. Scendendo verso sud, a Roma è sprecato il 42,9% dell’oro blu, mentre Napoli si ferma al 34,3%: per la capitale sono quasi 196 litri per abitante persi al giorno, mentre per ogni napoletano se ne disperdono 133,2.


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France election: Leading candidates clash over burkini in TV debate

martedì, Marzo 21st, 2017


Francois Fillon, Emanuel Macron, Benoit Hamon, Jean-Luc Melenchon and Marine Le Pen before the debate

The two leading candidates in the French election have traded barbs in an occasionally fiery TV debate.

Far-right candidate Marine Le Pen and centrist Emanuel Macron clashed over the full-body “burkini” swimsuit worn by some Muslim women.

Ms Le Pen said multiculturalism must end, but was accused by Mr Macron of making enemies of Muslims in France.

Polls suggest Ms Le Pen will get the most votes in the first round, but Mr Macron will defeat her in the run-off.

The other three candidates in Monday’s debate were centre-right contender Francois Fillon, and left-wingers Benoit Hamon and Jean-Luc Melenchon.

All five traded punches on the big issues for France, including jobs, terrorism and the country’s place in Europe. (altro…)

Rating 3.00 out of 5

US to ban laptops and tablets on flights from eight countries

martedì, Marzo 21st, 2017

A Transportation Security Administration (TSA) officer reads the X-ray of a laptop computer at Baltimore-Washington International Airport.

The US is banning electronic devices such as laptops and tablets from cabin baggage on flights from eight Middle Eastern and North African countries.

A US government source told the BBC that the measure would affect nine airlines operating out of 10 airports.

US media reported the order was sparked by intelligence gathered overseas.

It will reportedly include all large electronic devices such as laptops, tablets cameras, DVD players and electronic games.

But mobile phones and smartphones will still be allowed in carry-on luggage.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) declined to comment on the issue but is expected to make an announcement on Tuesday. (altro…)

Rating 3.00 out of 5

Sinn Féin’s Martin McGuinness dies aged 66

martedì, Marzo 21st, 2017

Sinn Féin’s Martin McGuinness, Northern Ireland’s former deputy first minister, has died aged 66.

It is understood he had been suffering from a rare heart condition.

The former IRA leader turned peacemaker worked at the heart of the power-sharing government following the 1998 Good Friday Agreement.

He became deputy first minister in 2007, standing alongside Democratic Unionist Party leaders Ian Paisley, Peter Robinson and Arlene Foster.

Mr McGuinness stood down from his post in January in protest against the DUP’s handling of an energy scandal, in a move that triggered a snap election. (altro…)

Rating 3.00 out of 5

「同性の夫婦関係、考慮せぬは違憲」 台湾の男性提訴へ

martedì, Marzo 21st, 2017



原告は関東地方に住む40代の男性。訴状などによると、1992年に留学の在留資格で来日し、その後も短期滞在のビザで2回入国した。日本滞在中に現在のパートナーと知り合い、94年から同居している。 (altro…)

Rating 3.00 out of 5

春の美しい渦潮見られます 鳴門海峡

martedì, Marzo 21st, 2017


徳島・兵庫県境の鳴門海峡で、渦潮が見ごろを迎えている。徳島県鳴門市うずしお観光協会によると、干満の潮位差が大きくなる春秋の大潮時に渦は最も大きくなり、南風が吹きやすい春には形も整って一年で一番美しい渦を見られる時期だという。 (altro…)

Rating 3.00 out of 5

東京で桜開花 全国で最も早く 都心は1月並みの寒さ

martedì, Marzo 21st, 2017



Rating 3.00 out of 5

保釈中に再び強姦、被告に懲役4年6カ月判決 東京地裁

martedì, Marzo 21st, 2017

3件の強姦(ごうかん)致傷事件で実刑判決を受けて控訴し、保釈中に再び強姦事件を起こしたとして強姦と監禁の罪に問われた無職永井優輝被告(27)に対し、東京地裁は21日、懲役4年6カ月(求刑懲役7年)の判決を言い渡した。大川隆男裁判長は「控訴中に犯行に及んでおり、法を守る精神が低下している」と非難した。 (altro…)

Rating 3.00 out of 5

AI初参戦の囲碁世界戦開幕 井山六冠は韓国1位と対戦

martedì, Marzo 21st, 2017



Rating 3.00 out of 5

森友学園補助金、30日までの全額返還通知へ 国交省

martedì, Marzo 21st, 2017


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