Archive for Aprile 24th, 2017

Macron-Le Pen per l’Eliseo, scatta la caccia alle alleanze

lunedì, Aprile 24th, 2017
paolo levi

Un terremoto politico che ha spazzato via i partiti che hanno governato la Quinta repubblica, i socialisti e gli eredi dei neogollisti, ed ha consegnato il mandato per guidare la Francia nei prossimi cinque anni a Emmanuel Macron (23,76%), centrosinistra liberal, e Marine Le Pen (21,58%), estrema destra del Front National. Ed è già partita, dalla gauche ai Républicains, l’alzata di scudi per fermare il ciclone Marine.






Nella notte elettorale che ha stravolto l’assetto politico del Paese, Partito socialista e Républicains si schierano a favore del primo classificato, Emmanuel Macron (En Marche!), con l’unico imperativo di sbarrare la strada alla candidata anti-euro del Front National, che ha fatto segnare il record storico di voti. Una sorta di «cordone sanitario» in nome della salvaguardia di sessant’anni di integrazione Ue.




Dazi e lotta alle élite, la strategia di Le Pen: “Sono una del popolo”


Il piano di Macron: “Farò da argine ai nazionalismi”


La resa dei partiti storici in una Francia divisa a metà


Brigitte Macron, la prof che sposò un suo allievo e ora sogna l’Eliseo (altro…)

Rating 3.00 out of 5

Macrons To-do-Liste

lunedì, Aprile 24th, 2017

Von , Paris

Morgens um sechs Uhr ist die Welt wieder in Ordnung: Rund um das Hauptquartier von Emmanuel Macron im 15. Pariser Arrondissement werden Sektflaschen und Plastikbecher zusammengefegt. Hier hat das Team Macron die 23,9 Prozent in der ersten Runde der Präsidentenwahl gefeiert, während der Anführer der Bewegung “En Marche!”, Hand in Hand mit Ehefrau Brigitte von seinen Fans von Ovationen überschüttet wurde: “Merci, merci, merci!” (altro…)

Rating 3.00 out of 5

Présidentielle 2017 : ce qu’il faut retenir du premier tour, des résultats aux réactions

lunedì, Aprile 24th, 2017

Emmanuel Macron et Marine Le Pen sont en tête du premier tour de l’élection présidentielle. Les résultats définitifs ne sont pas encore connus et les chiffres seront affinés au cours de la soirée.

Résultats du premier tour de la Présidentielle 2017


Rating 3.00 out of 5

French election: Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen to fight for presidency

lunedì, Aprile 24th, 2017

Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen

Centrist Emmanuel Macron has gone through to the second round of the French election, where he will face far-right leader Marine Le Pen.

Mr Macron, a former banker, is seen as a political newcomer – and ran without the backing of an established party.

After topping Sunday’s vote, he is now favourite to win the run-off on 7 May.

It is the first time in six decades that neither of France’s main left-wing or right-wing parties has had a candidate in the second round. (altro…)

Rating 3.00 out of 5

Macron and Le Pen: How two outsiders defeated France’s political elite

lunedì, Aprile 24th, 2017

(CNN)A political novice who has never before stood for elected office is facing off against a far-right nationalist from the fringes of French politics — it’s safe to say France’s presidential election is one for the history books.

Voters collectively turned up their noses at the political establishment Sunday, in the first round of the French presidential election. With 97% of polling stations declared, the stage is set for a run-off vote between Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen on May 7.
Even third place was a close race between another outsider — left-wing firebrand Jean-Luc Mélenchon — and scandal-hit Republican Francois Fillon, the sole frontrunner representing a mainstream French party.


Rating 3.00 out of 5

報道機関はファクトで武装し戦え 新谷・週刊文春編集長

lunedì, Aprile 24th, 2017





Rating 3.00 out of 5

「来年から楽はずるい」 PTA改革、立ちはだかる壁

lunedì, Aprile 24th, 2017

写真・図版PTA 埋まらぬ溝


「役員 PTA 無責任」のキーワードでネットを検索したら、1月に開設されたばかりのブログが見つかりました。

開設した千葉県の40代の女性は昨年、「役員をやらずに、文句だけ言うのは無責任だ」と考えて執行部の役員になりました。小学校教諭の経験もあります。誰もが自由に参加できるPTAに変えるために貢献できれば、と考えていたそうです。 (altro…)

Rating 3.00 out of 5

シャラポワ復帰に周囲ピリピリ 「推薦枠」出場に異論も

lunedì, Aprile 24th, 2017



復帰戦は24日開幕のポルシェ・グランプリ(独・シュツットガルト)。昨年の全豪オープンでのドーピング検査で禁止薬物メルドニウムに陽性反応を示し、1年3カ月実戦から遠ざかったシャラポワはランキングを失っているため、主催者推薦枠での出場だ。初戦は2年前の全米オープンで準優勝したロベルタ・ビンチ(イタリア)と対戦する。 (altro…)

Rating 3.00 out of 5

落語家の三遊亭円歌さん死去 「授業中」などで人気

lunedì, Aprile 24th, 2017




Rating 3.00 out of 5

「ガムついてる」 京王バス運転手、女児の体触った疑い

lunedì, Aprile 24th, 2017

道を尋ねるふりなどをして女児の体を触ったとして、警視庁は24日、京王バスの運転手、鎌田祐一容疑者(39)=東京都多摩市和田=を強制わいせつ容疑で逮捕し、発表した。容疑を認め、「20件以上やった」と話しているという。 (altro…)

Rating 3.00 out of 5
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